Tartanis Gradgmo is proud of his town, but he also has a passionate zeal for keeping the streets free and jobs available to the working class. Growing up on the streets after his father was disabled from a logging accident he came to have disdain for what he considered the avarice of the town leaders and would subvert their rhetoric with revolutionary posters. His latest cause is to keep a toll from being exacted on the main bridge connecting the two sides of Rothigport. Being a Westider himself he appreciates the progress when all walks of life work together.
These days he is serious about his grassroots ambitions, but you can still catch him laughing at a joke at a local pub, or running through the streets up to one of his pranks.
He can lead the player into the more minute politics of Rothigport and connect them to the working class side of the Guilds. If the player has their sights on aligning with or becoming a town elite, then they best just stay away from Tartanis.